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Case STudy

Challenger 2062 Cockpit Experience Concept

Iconic muscle car meets futuristic in car experience

About this project

It’s the year 2060. Cars fly by now. Autonomously. But as we have today the urge to get a real driving experience is still more present than ever. Vintage Muscle Cars are still a sign of pure freedom and masculinity. But of course no one wants to miss the comfort of advanced technology will getting this experience. 

This concept proofs that futuristic technology and the beauty of the past don’t have to be a condratiction at all. It’s a combination of both that makes us feel comfortable and safe. Long life the past in tomorrow’s world!

Lukas Sautter

UX/UI Strategist based in Munich, Germany

Currently working for Bosch Siemens HA

Project Type

Fictional personal project, no client


First things first

Drivers Dashboard

Both, driver and passenger use the same super wide display. It allows both to use the widgets they need, move it to desired areas and share the same experience. 

Still it focusses on the drivers needs and attaches to different scenarios like parking, traffic, entertainment, scoial actions and assistance.

Shared Multi Scenario Display

Super Wide Cockpit

Both, driver and passenger use the same super wide display. It allows both to use the widgets they need, move it to desired areas and share the same experience. 

Still it focusses on the drivers needs and attaches to different scenarios like parking, traffic, entertainment, scoial actions and assistance.

Adapted to the outer world

Adaptive Cockpit

If night or day, parking or cruising, autonomous or manual – The cockpit adapts to the outer world and the situations the driver has to face. For more security and comfort during the ride.

Night Mode
Day Mode
As intuitive as it gets

Gesture Control

Smart actions can be performed anywhere on the screen. The Multi-Touch screen allows the driver and co-pilot a large number of hidden shortcuts that are used lots of time. Therefore the wide User Interface becomes even more powerfull, faster and user friendly with those hidden gems, without navigating to the corresponding setting page.

For Example you can adjust the temperature of the air condition by  swiping up and down with two fingers. Swiping left to right will bring up the volume of the media player.

Multi Touch Screen
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Up / Down
Volume UP
/ Down
Map Zoom
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